Author Topic: Forum Code of Conduct!!! READ FIRST!!!  (Read 3256 times)

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Forum Code of Conduct!!! READ FIRST!!!
« on: February 28, 2021, 11:32:52 am »
Be welcoming and open-minded - Other members may not have the same experience or background as you, but that doesn't mean they don't have good ideas to contribute. We encourage you to be welcoming to new members and those just getting started.

Respect each other - Nothing sabotages healthy conversation like rudeness. Be civil and professional, and don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech. Don’t harass, troll, bait, or give grief to anyone. Treat each other with dignity and consideration in all interactions.

You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But remember to criticize ideas, not people. Avoid name-calling, ad-hominem attacks, responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content, and knee-jerk contradiction. Instead, provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation.

Communicate with empathy - Disagreements or differences of opinion are a fact of life. Being part of a community means interacting with people from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, many of which may not be your own. If you disagree with someone, try to understand and share their feelings before you address them. This will promote a respectful and friendly atmosphere where people feel comfortable asking questions, participating in discussions, and making contributions.

Be clear and stay on topic - Off-topic comments are a distraction (sometimes welcome, but usually not). Staying on topic helps produce positive and productive discussions.

Excessive off topic posts in a thread will moved, deleted or edited at staff discretion. Repeatedly disregarding staff's in thread requests to stay on topic could lead to a warning.

Additionally, communicating with strangers on the Internet can be awkward. It's hard to convey or read tone, and sarcasm is frequently misunderstood. Try to use clear language, and think about how it will be received by the other person.

Please post in English and do not use ALL CAPS. Furthermore when posting articles and/or information you learned/received from reading an article, LINK the article in your post. In other words, CITE YOUR SOURCES. Anything less is plagiarism.

Keep it tidy - Make the effort to put things in the right place, so that we can spend more time discussing and less time cleaning up. So:
Don’t start a topic in the wrong category.
Don’t cross-post the same thing in multiple topics.
Don’t post no-content replies or gif bomb.
Don't "bump" posts, unless you have new and relevant information to share. That includes bumping old threads aka necro-bumping
Don’t divert a topic by changing it midstream.
Don't post overly long posts. Keep your posts concise.

Keep Shipping in the Shipping Section
Please keep shipping comments in the Shipping section of the forum.  Shipping outside of the dedicated section has a tendency to derail threads and as such posts may be edited or deleted. The only time comments regarding romance between characters is permitted outside of the Shipping threads is when it is regarding canon ships, or a clearly suggested new relationship, andrelated to the spoiler/episode/prediction.

What is not allowed?

Threats of violence - You may not threaten violence towards others or use the site to organize, promote, or incite acts of real-world violence or terrorism. Think carefully about the words you use, the images you post, and even the software you write, and how they may be interpreted by others. Even if you mean something as a joke, it might not be received that way. If you think that someone else might interpret the content you post as a threat, or as promoting violence or terrorism, stop. Don't post it. In extraordinary cases, we may report threats of violence to law enforcement if we think there may be a genuine risk of physical harm or a threat to public safety.

Hate speech and discrimination - While it is not forbidden to broach topics such as age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation, we do not tolerate speech that attacks a person or group of people on the basis of who they are. Just realize that when approached in an aggressive or insulting manner, these (and other) sensitive topics can make others feel unwelcome, or perhaps even unsafe. While there's always the potential for misunderstandings, we expect our community members to remain respectful and civil when discussing sensitive topics.

Bullying and harassment - We do not tolerate bullying or harassment. This means any habitual badgering or intimidation targeted at a specific person or group of people. In general, if your actions are unwanted and you continue to engage in them, there's a good chance you are headed into bullying or harassment territory.

Impersonation - You may not seek to mislead others as to your identity by copying another person's avatar, posting content under their email address, using a similar username or otherwise posing as someone else. Impersonation is a form of harassment.

Doxxing and invasion of privacy - Don't post or ask for other people's personal information, such as phone numbers, private email addresses, physical addresses, credit card numbers, Social Security/National Identity numbers, or passwords. Depending on the context, such as in the case of intimidation or harassment, we may consider other information, such as photos or videos that were taken or distributed without the subject's consent, to be an invasion of privacy, especially when such material presents a safety risk to the subject.

Do not place Staff or the Rules on ignore list - On registration you agreed to the rules of this forum. Just because you have the option to ignore the rules board or staff, it does not mean you won't be held accountable for any rules broken. If we determine if you have placed staff or rules on ignore, your account maybe frozen or placed on moderation. ALSO: Do NOT publicly challenge staff. If you have an issue you need to discuss please send a staff member a PM.

Do not post screenshots of the forum elsewhere - We take the privacy of our members very seriously, as such, we ask you to refrain from posting screenshots of forum activities on other social media outlets. (Ex: Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram)If we determine activity of this nature has occurred, your account will have warnings accrued or depending on the severity, your account will be terminated

Do not question disciplinary actions against your account or publicly defy staff. DO NOT post screen shots or copy paste warnings or any infractions given to you by staff.

Forum Dating
This is a forum for TWDVerse. It is not, Tinder, or POF. Treat it like a forum for TWDVerse not a dating app/website. DO NOT DO IT!!! It NEVER ends well. See thread on ONLINE PREDATORS!!!!-please-read!!!/

Gossip - This is supposed to be a safe place for all members. Please do not form "Mean Girl" cliques and alienate people. If you have an issue with a member contact a staff member but do not spread rumors, especially when you have no evidence. Mind your own business and do not give out your private information. Also do not PM staff and PRY for information about spoilers, members, other staff members, etc... again MIND YOUR BUSINESS!

Sexually obscene content -Don’t post content that is pornographic or sexually explicit. This does not mean that all nudity, or all code and content related to sexuality, is prohibited. We do not allow obscene sexual content or content that may involve the exploitation or sexualization of minors.

Gratuitously violent content - Don’t post real images, text, or other content without reasonable context or warnings. While it's often okay to include violent content in video games and descriptions of historical events, we do not allow violent content that is posted indiscriminately, or that is posted in a way that makes it difficult for other users to avoid (such as a profile avatar or an issue comment). A clear warning or disclaimer in other contexts helps users make an educated decision as to whether or not they want to engage with such content.

Active malware or exploits - Being part of a community includes not taking advantage of other members of the community. We do not allow anyone to use our platform for exploit delivery, such as using this forum as a means to deliver malicious executables, or as attack infrastructure, for example by organizing denial of service attacks or managing command and control servers.

No Spam / Advertising / Self-promotion on the forums or in PMs - Do not link to sites or products to self promote

Linking to websites, streaming sites, or services that pirate content and violate US copyright laws is strictly prohibited - Requests for such links will also be removed.

WeAreTWDFans reserves the right, in its sole discretion to edit, modify, and delete portions of posts as needed without advanced notice.

Thanks to GitHub for use of these guidelines under the terms of CC0-1.0.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2023, 05:33:21 pm by NerdyGRL »
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Re: Forum Code of Conduct!!! READ FIRST!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2021, 11:33:40 am »
Account Maintenance
Am I allowed more than one account?
No. If another person in your household would like to create an account, please notify an Admin before they create one.

Member name change
Name changes are generally not allowed over 25 posts. Please contact an admin if you have questions. Do not create a second account to bypass this guideline.

Do not use a Proxy server or VPN when using this forum

Member name, Signature, and  Avatar Picture Guidelines

Do not use profanity when creating a member name.
One image per signature. Size limit is 500px X 300px
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